Finally After 3Years

Mariah • Wife 🌹 Mommy Of 2 soon to be 3
I've waited for this day forever I still don't know how to feel Its almost like it's unreal but this os really happening I have a little one inside me that, dealing with pcos and not thinking I'd ever conceive all the sleeps nights crying because my period came an all the negative test trying to do everything right and still wouldn't blessed.. But now that's all changed me n my husband got blessed just 4 days after we got married!!!! My last cycle on march was 52 days I had stopped taking metformin I stopped tracking I stopped logging the days we had sex and everything I just said fuck it to be honest! Then it happened an I still didn't even know all I had was sore boobs and that's it I just figured my period was about to come it was around cycle day 50 again. So I'm thinking I ovulated the beginning​ of may because I went to the doctors may 5 for a common cold and they did a pregnancy test and it was negative then 2 weeks later on may 19 when I was at the hospital I got a positive. Just don't give up ladies it will happen an trust me o was ready to give up multiple times an when I did I just would keep praying that god would bless us an he did. ❤❤❤❤💜💜💓💓👗👗👣👣👣👶👶👼