Spotting 8 weeks pregnant! please help

Emma • 19 mo twin boys 💙💙 7mo baby boy🤰🏼 baby #4 is a GIRL 🎀 on the way!
Yesterday I woke up with cramping and had pain all day in my groin and left leg. Today it's not so bad but I'm still feeling crampy in my lower abdomen and when I went to the bathroom earlier I had some light red blood when I wiped! I haven't had any since but I still have a dull ache!
I'm almost 8 weeks pregnant with twins and am so worried!! Could I be losing my babies? I went to the ER and they said there's not much they could do or say as they don't know.. I feel absolutely hopeless and my partner is not understanding at all! He keeps saying I'm a being over dramatic and to get over it!!
I can't help but feel so upset!!!