Boy toy??

So there's this guy that I know, he's in college and I'm a senior in high school. We met when I was a sophomore and he was a senior and he also had a girlfriend. We would always have these moments where I know we both felt something. We would sometimes go get food or just drive around and talk. Then he graduated and I thought I'm never going to see him again. Then he comes back over thanksgiving break (btw him and his gf broke up) and we hook up we don't have sex but we do literally everything else. And then he came back a few weeks ago and we had sex in the back of my car. But before that we talked for 3 hours. While we were talking before anything happened we moved to the back of my car and we just cuddled and looked at the stars through my sun roof. All I wanted to do was be with him in that moment forever. I broke the silence saying, "do you ever think about" and he cut me off and said "if I wasn't dating (insert ex gf name) when we met". And I said yeah that's exactly what I was going to say. And then he said I do think about it. But then I cut him off and said well I'm glad that you were because idk where we would be right now if you weren't dating her at the time. And then I established that I don't do long distance cause he lives like 1000 miles away and I just do not do it. He's coming back in July and we already talked about hooking up again but I feel like I should talk to him about how I feel because I've always had since the day that I've met him these incredibly strong feelings for him. It's not like I want anything to change cause I like what we are now it works for us but I just also want to know how he feels. Should I talk to him or no? What if he doesn't have any feelings at all and I'm just one of his play toys. Idk how I would deal with that. Please let me know!!