women stare at me

So I always notice that some women who I don't even know just stare me down. For instance today while I was getting out of my car and walking up to the store some girl was staring me down. I didn't notice right away but when I looked in that direction she was just staring at me and kept staring at me. Has this happened to anyone else? I am so confused as to why they stare. 
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Pregnant women get more attention in general. But the term "stare me DOWN" seems very negative, whereas I doubt they're looking at you in a negative way.


Tyler • May 28, 2017
Just to inform you I have always had women look at me (there is that a better word?) before I was even pregnant and I am not even showing that much yet and had a sweater on. So there is no way that she could tell that I am pregnant. So no she was not looking at me cause I am pregnant.


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I stare at pregnant women because it's simply fascinating. Sometimes I don't even realize I'm doing it.


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Oh my gosh yes and it's really uncomfortable, I especially get the stares along side with dirty looks because I'm so young and I smile cause it's so awkward and they look away. Like sorry I'm bringing a human into the world...


z • May 28, 2017
Omg how dare you lol


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I stare at pregnant women too. Not in a negative way, I just think most of them are so cute. And maybe women are staring because they can't get pregnant and are envious, or they miss being pregnant, or they are pregnant but not showing, or feel sorry for the symptoms you're feeling because she's felt them too. The list goes on. 


Posted at
Maybe they think you're gorgeous??? I myself have stared down a gorgeous woman... I felt like a creep lol but she was so pretty and I was totally jealous. I mostly look at girls hair or their shoes... Lol. So don't take it bad... Give them a great smile and take it as a compliment.


Tyler • May 28, 2017
Okay will do! Thanks!


Posted at
I get looked at funny, but never stared at. Then again, I'm on my fourth kid at 30, and most women I encounter didn't start until MUCH later and only have 1-2 kids, so it's possibly just jealousy or confusion. I don't care. Let it roll off your back. If they have a problem, it's on them, not you. 


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They're just jealous of you, give them a hair flip and smile they'll knock it right off😊