The dreaded ER visit!

I started cramping and spotting Friday afternoon while I was on the road with a friend. I contacted my OBGYN and they instructed me to go to ER for ultrasound. I arrived there scared because I've been down this road before and I've had a stillborn and miscarriage before the birth of our 3 yr old daughter. They did ultrasound, blood work, and pelvic exam. I woke up feeling off Friday morning and couldn't figure out what was wrong. The doctor said I had a UTI and then it made sense why I felt like my body was getting sick Friday. They prescribed me antibiotics and my Hcg levels came back at 17,000. The doctor said that was within the levels of what I should be for how far along I was, but she said I would have to do repeat blood to make sure my levels double. On the ultrasound we saw the tinest flutter of the heartbeat but because I'm so early we could not pick up the sound. She said the machine picks up at 5 weeks and 5 days and I'm suppose to be 5 weeks and 2 days. The ultrasound tech found a subchorionic hematoma and that could be why I was having some bleeding. So she said my doctor would have to monitor that to make sure it was re absorbed back into my body. I'm hopeful because they found a heartbeat but still very scared because of my history. I have my doctors appointment Tuesday so I'm just sitting here waiting trying to keep positive and praying this baby sticks!