I might be pregnant? help

On may 4 I started the pill (it would start working the 10th) on May 6th I had sex for the first time and knowing this we used a condom. My period was supposed to start the 16th but I didn't get it. I assumed this was because of the new birth control pills but for the past 4 days I have been spotting. 
Of course I did what yo should never do and I googled spotting to see how long I should expect it to last. According to all of my symptoms this could be implantation bleeding. 
I'm really scared I'm pregnant but I don't know if I'm just overthinking everything. I mean I did use a condom and the spotting could be just due to my body getting used to birth control. I also don't know how I would get ahold of a pregnancy test if I decided to test.
What should I do?