Do you feel different about your SO after having a baby?

Please share your stories. My SO is awesome with my stepdaughter but sucks with our 2 month old daughter. 

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My husband is really great with my stepdaughter and our daughter. Amazing actually. Every time we go anywhere I get told how lucky I am to have him (as if I don't already know lol). But, I'm pregnant with a boy now and curious to see how he reacts lol. He LOVES his girls and had his heart set on 3 girls and nope it's a boy (yay for me!!). I will say this though, men don't bond with the baby like we do when they are in the womb. It takes them time to bond, so give him a little bit, it may just take him a while.


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My ex (father of my two children) was always selfish but it wasn't obvious to me until we had children.  His idea of quality time with them was to spend five minutes tickling/play fighting them and then taking a nap.  So my opinion of him definitely changed for the worst.


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My husband has always been AWESOME with our daughter, but, thanks to crazy postpartum hormones, I went through a period of almost hating him for a few months after babe was born.  His touch made my skin crawl and he couldn't do anything right in my opinion.  I was always mad at him.  But- that was TOTALLY on me and my hormones and once they leveled off, I went back to loving him as much, even more, than before because he is such an incredible dad!!


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How old is the step daughter? Maybe he's no good with babies?


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My SO was almost afraid to hurt our daughter or make her cry. Now she is three months old and can hold her head up and smiles and laughs at him. He loves her and spends all of his time with her. He is amazing.