False Labor for 2 days. Going crazy!

So I posted a couple days ago that I was having labor signs, I had them alllll Saturday and yesterday. Contractions but nothing getting closer together and also random stabbing pains. I haven't lost my mucus plug yet and don't plan to go to the hospital until I know it's the read deal because I want want medical interventions and want her to come on her time. She is teasing me and I'll going crazy. Anyone else has signs for days leading up to baby coming or did it happen out of nowhere?
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Posted at
Yup. I was due the 24th. Went to the hospital and they confirmed contractions every 5 minutes, but I wasn't dilating further than a 1 so I went home. Been going on for two days straight now.


Mm • May 30, 2017
same here. i hope something happens for us both soon!


Marissa • May 30, 2017
So annoying! I haven't gone in at all just because I know they aren't consistent. So just waiting. I've been resting all day and they stopped so guess she's on her own time lol


Posted at
I've been going through this since about 39 weeks. Currently 40+3. 


Ol • May 29, 2017
I kept saying the same thing. I hope you have better luck!! 🤞🏼


Marissa • May 29, 2017
Ughhhhh that suck. I hope this doesn't last that long lol. I see my doctor on my due date (Wednesday) so hoping getting checked will get things going or something.


Posted at
Had labor signs for a week, ended up having my son on his due date


Marissa • May 29, 2017
I can't imagine going through this for a whole week lol. My due date is Wednesday. Some contractions are bead enough to wear I have to breath through them and stop what I'm doing but they slow at night and go away before bed. It's driving me nuts lol