Mean Mother-In-Law, Am I overreacting???

Ladies. I need your input. Here's the scene, I'm over 29 weeks pregnant, on the lake with my husband and my inlaws, in a bathing suit (and feeling good about myself for a second) and my MIL looks at me and says "Wow you're really getting wide and spreading out (with hand motions) from the sides!" 
Next day: 
Then as my husband and I were coming back up from the lake to the house for the night after not seeing them (in laws) all day, my MIL says "Well I think you look more pregnant now than you did when I saw you this morning!" 
My feelings are hurt, I've cried, I'm mad, and I really want to tell her off. 😡 My husband says I'm "overreacting and being too sensitive " but come on?! Who says those things?! 
Here's me;