For the past 3 months me and my lovey have tried to have a baby

For the past 3 months me and my lovey have tried to have a baby. First month we thought we were supposed to have sex on ovulation day but of course we thought wrong, see we never really tried ttc it just was a surprise. 10 test later and AF came along we both cried that night. He was so upset I think more than me. Month two came we researched a little more AF was one week late (I was super stressed). This month (may) we started tracking thanks to the <a href="">EVE</a> app it told me about glow. When it was the first day of my fertile week I told the hubs today is baby making day he said ok, we had sex 6 times that day. And everyday in my fertile window we did too (we have sex everyday). Then last night we talked about taking a test it was 6 days until AF comes he said he would buy some on his way from work. That night we talked a bit then before we went to bed at 1:24am I'm like let's take this test it's prob. To early but what the hell. So I pee'ed on the stick. Sat on the sofa and waited after about 2 minutes I'm like I can't wait... I walk to the bathroom and he runs over grabs the stick and is just silent I'm like babe baby what does it say? He shows me and instantly I start jumping and screaming.sorry it's so long