transvaginal u/s at 26ish weeks


I just switched to a new doctors office after finding out I wasn't able to deliver at the hospital I wanted and my dr not being informative or helpful. 
I was reading a packet they sent me that said that they do a 3rd ultrasound(transvaginal) starting around 24 weeks to check my cervix. My question is, at this ultrasound, will I be able to see the baby? Or do they only check the cervix and be done? I'm sure it won't be focused on baby but will we see her? 
Thanks ☺️
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If they *only do a transvaginal scan then you won't get a clear picture of the baby. Depending on the baby's position, you might see her head or a foot kicking but not the whole baby. When they checked my cervix with a scan, they did it transvaginally and after they had all the measurements, they did an abdominal scan to look at baby since we were already there.


Al • May 30, 2017
That's kind of what I figured. Hopefully they will especially since I'm new to the office and they haven't gotten a look at her. Thanks!


Posted at
At my anatomy scan at 20 weeks they did a  vaginal scan as well to see cervix length