Really need help.

So this guy and I developed a thing in I think January. He liked me last year too but we had to stop contact because of my boyfriend. We broke up in January and that's when this guy and I started talking again. We held hands, kissed, hugged, cuddled, etc. and he called me babe and said that he loves me. He asked me out around Valentines Day and I said I'd think about it because of the fact I just got out of a really long emotional and mentally abusive relationship. About a week later I decided I wanted I give it a try but by then he had stopped talking to me. He wouldn't answer and when he did he said that he needs time to figure out what he wants to do in life and that apparently other guys want me so he backed off. We continued to not talk. I tried but he wouldn't answer. And so we finally talked tonight. He said he just wants to be friends even if he becomes ready for a relationship. Is it possible he's just saying that because he's mad and doesn't want to talk to me right now? I don't understand how he can lose feelings so fast. He said I didn't do anything. But I just don't understand what happened. I don't think he even wants to hang out with me as friends. I don't want to text me because I'm pretty sure he's annoyed since he wants time. But I feel used and hurt. And I want to give it a chance. Is it just karma because last year I couldn't give him a chance since I'm taken? So now it's like karma that when I want him, he decides no? Someone please help. :(