Signs you were having a boy or a girl?


So I am 15 weeks with my second babe! My first was a boy. My family and friends say I'm having a girl.

Has anyone who was pregnant with a boy had some symptoms that they never had when you were pregnant with a girl? Or vise versa?

For example with my son, I had in the beginning sore boobs up until week 6 then nothing and then he was up very high and the only other thing I had was acid reflux

Now with this pregnancy (June 30th is when we find out gender) I have had serious back pain, acne 😒, and serious mood swings! And I can't quite tell yet if my babe is high or low.

This is just for fun because I'm curious and impatient haha and I know certain symptoms don't tell you what your having, I also know each pregnancy is different. But man it's way different! Lol so I just want to know if you knew or had a feeling of what you were having based on how different they were and different pregnancy symptoms you may have had 😊