Prepping myself Mentally, physically and emotionally for a natural birth

I've had 3 medicated vaginal births prior. My first 18 1/2 hrs (age 17), second 8 1/2 hrs (age 21) and my third 12 1/2 hrs (age 26). My first very traumatic, i had a fever of 103.7 and she was born with a fever as well. I had an epidural with all 3. My second not so bad but it was very painful. And my third my bp kept dropping and also painful. I developed and was diagnosed with graves disease after my son and am currently 22 weeks pregnant with my last daughter. I've read so many stories of women having natural births as well as my mom having 4 natural herself. I would like to try my best to have this one all natural. Maybe the interventions of medications didnt help my experiences and listening and trusting my body would decrease any bad reactions especially having graves with this pregnancy. All and any advice is welcomed to achieve my wish for an all natural birth 😊