GPs need to work on their bedside manner


So, I had some discharge yesterday. It was brown so I knew it was old blood but still a concern as I'm in my 8th week.

I had googled and checked a few things online, which I know you're not supposed to do, but it was actually quite positive stuff so I felt reasured.

I phoned my GP to get advice to see if I should go to maternity ward to get checked out.

I explained my symptoms and her response was vary worst case scenario.

"Yea, you should go to A&E, that's pretty much the signs of misscarrage. There's not much can be done at this stage to stop it"

I was in work and called my manager to talk to her in private. I hadn't told her I was pregnant yet, heck we haven't even told our parents. By the time she came to the room I was in floods of tears and could hardly get the words out.

She reasured me as she had had 2 pregnancies >40 which is much higher risk than me at 29. She had had similar bleeding but it was red. She went on to have a very healthy 10lb baby.

She made me call my hubby, let me out of work to go to the A&E and sent me a few txts to see how I was getting on.

I had another pregnancy test which was strong, I had started being sick this week, I have been constipated and I've been sleeping as often as I could. So all posative signs.(as much as they suck for me)

They were very happy with my tests and have arranged a scan for tomorrow. I can't help but feel that things would have been much more posative if that GP wasn't so doom and gloom.

Anyone else had similar issues with doctors?