Husband is so worried about how much money fertility treatment will cost

We have a RE appointment Monday.  AF started this morning so of course the crying ensued.  My husband is supportive but he says that this shouldn't affect my mood so much.  He tells me I need to talk to my therapist.  I told him I am not ready to speak to my therapist about it as I am very sensitive about it and it is very emotional for me.  I tell him that I feel hopeful about seeing RE for consultation even though my family Dr wanted me to wait another month and half.  My husband goes on to say that all he can see is dollar signs and we should wait and see what insurance will cover of the tests!!  I immediately start crying he asks what if I have to have <a href="">Ivf</a> how many rounds will I be wanted to try before they take as it is so expensive.  My husband makes six figures and I work as well.  He constantly acts like we are so poor.  I'm so heartbroken we had a huge fight he left for work and went to the shower to cry.  I just don't know what to do about it.   I'm dreading work today and I already know atleast three people will ask if I am pregnant yet and I can't bare the thought of it.