Baby shower blargh

My mom was planning on hosting my shower but she hates socializing and I can tell she is really regretting offering to do it now. I ordered my own invites because she wouldn't do it and she got mad that I even put her down as the contact for rsvps (as the host). I waited so long for her to do the invites it's probably not enough notice for most people to come anyway. My MIL says she doesnt want to come. I tried to verify one of my few friend's addresses today (she recently moved) and she basically insinuated she wouldn't come unless I invited a friend of hers who I used to be friends with but we haven't spoken in 13 years... when I told my mom about it she asked me if I even wanted to have a shower. Kind of depresses me that not really anyone including my own mother wants to do a shower. Good thing I am a garage saler I guess...