HCG and progesterone levels???


On 11dpo my hcg was 31 and progesterone was 20.5; on 13 dpo my hcg was 90 and my progesterone was 34.1. Im 5 weeks exactly today now. I'm having somedull consistent   pain in my lower right side and my doctor wants me to do an early scan to make sure everything is ok. 
While I wait until tomorrow, I'd love to keep myself busy and hear about everyone else's HCG & Progesterone levels early on?!! 
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Posted at
Thanks everyone! Here he/she is! In the right place too! I can't believe it. They have me at 5 weeks 3 days today. This is unreal. 


Sophie • Jun 5, 2017
Yay! Congratulations!


Annie • Jun 2, 2017
Congratulations!!! So exciting! You must feel so relieved!


Sashi • Jun 2, 2017


Posted at
My hcg level two days ago was 840 at about 4 weeks and 3 days. I hope it keeps going up!


Posted at
Your hcg doubled and your progesterone went up! That's great! I had progesterone checked at 8 DPO (didn't know I was pregnant, I've been getting checked every month) and it was 14.2. On 5/31 (14DPO) I had an hcg draw that was 357. I'm having it again today, praying that number goes up!