I fell on my belly today



Today I fell on my belly in my yard trying to grab my 2 dogs away from another animal of mine. I'm 32 weeks tomorrow. I must have just tripped over my feet and I landed all my weight on my belly. It knocked the wind out of me and I immediately became very worried about my precious baby girl. I knelt on my hands and knees for a few minutes before I got up to a chair just hoping she would move. I didn't feel anything. I asked my 9 year old son to run and grab my fetal Doppler so I could check her heart rate and it was fine. I called Labor and Delivery and spoke to the RN and she advised me to come in to get checked out. My husband and I rushed to the hospital. I was monitored in the L&D triage area for over 2 hours and the doctor's says my baby looks great. My amniotic fluid is very good and my baby is moving just fine. She told my to come back in of I had any bleeding or leakage anytime but especially within 24 hours of the incident.

I'm posting this because the doctor and nurses told me that it was very important to have been seen because I fell. Even if I didn't fall on my belly. Anyone can pull or tweak something that could harm the baby and cause placental problems, early labor etc.

I'm reassured that everything is ok during their monitoring me. I just hope we will continue to stay in the clear until my baby girl is ready to be born at full term.

Today just ended up being a very scary day for us. My husband already doesn't want me to do anything and now he wants me to lay down and do nothing until she's born. Has so protective (in a good way).

I'm so thankful that Olive is doing good. I feel horrible that I fell on her though. Very emotional experience.

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Scary!  Glad everything is ok. It's one of my biggest fears. I manage a dog and cat boarding facility and I'm being pulled and pushed all day by dogs. 


Co • Jun 2, 2017
Thank you. And dogs are unpredictable sometimes. Thankfully my son intervened and no animals got hurt. Its hard to remember I can't do everything by myself anymore.