prego bullying!?!?

Sounds ridiculous, or is it just this fase of life thats getting on my nerves, or ppl that i tought important to me are just being asshole. it's being a bully to the prego day... 
My SO complains he does not help me enough instead of doing stuff he just sits and does nothing and dirties things even more...that's 1... another one, he smokes in occasion some weed that he has been doing so in the kitchen as he is conscient of the baby and does not want to do so in the other parts of the house, and that's fine but every now and then some ppl ask him for some, i asked him today to be aware of that that he is no ones dealer he freaked out cause or neighbors are cops... i did not even raise my voice and told him whatever he is not dealing or selling he does not need to fix that person up, he got upset not for that part but because i said he was dealing...i don't understand. that's n2... 
we work together in the same company, but my best friend is our team leader, and he is waiting on feedback to know if he goes for team leader, but it's been 2 weeks and he said nothing, so because it only pays 820 euros a month he has been looking for a better pay job as i can't move for another job now and the 6months contracts are around the corner... i would wait till baby is born but it's his choice and i back him up. 
So he sent the cv's and sounds legit to check what's out there, but the boyfriend of my best friend that is also working there now, went and told her he is sending cv's... now instead of talking with him she comes to me, knowing i'm pregnant and knowing i'm home for high risk. 
And tells me that he has been sending cv's... and if she should just cancel his 6 month contract that his attitude is not being up to standard for someone that wants to be a team leader and apply for all she did for him etc etc ... blah blah blah... i don't need this shit. what's wrong in looking for something better? when she is sending cv's to other companies it's fine or when she puts her boy friend it's fine but when he looks for something better because we need the money, and the baby is coming she almost threatens to fire him by canceling the contract?! 
Actually  bullying me in to this nervous state that now i don't know what to expect and what to say! 
why when i want to talk about how i feel this has always to be about someone else? my issues are always someone else's my pregnancy is always someone else's big issue... news flash world... i'm the one pregnant, not her not him not ppl around me. 
so i started putting ppl aside at this time just because of the aggravation. i'm sorry to say she was a real bitch and today's he was really inconsiderate towards me, even my cats decided to raid my make and snatch my brushes to play around... wake me up when this day is over i'm done with idiocy today 
sorry for the rant but i really don't feel so good with this build up ansiety