Super upset

Kendyl 👧🏼👦👧🏼
Today is my due date. I have been waiting on a phone call for a week and a half from my doctor as to when we could induce this baby. He was out of the country Memorial Day weekend and didn't return until Wednesday. He told me a week and a half ago we could induce this weekend. The doctor's office assured me I'd get a phone call yesterday from him letting me know when to go to the hospital. I later got a text from the front office girl saying he'd call me last night. I never got the phone call. So here I am, fuming, waiting and waiting. Their office is closed today and I already called and left a message for my doctor, but I have no idea when I will hear back from him. My husband is the manager at his job so we kind of need to know what the hell is going on! As if I'm not stressed already, let's add this to the pile!!! 😡😡😡😡😡