Advice For A Super Anxious Couple 😋

My husband and I have been TTC since February of 2017, when I had my IUD removed. We are both so excited for this journey and we don't want to put any stress on the destination (BABY😍). However, we never would have dreamed that making a baby would be so difficult. Who knew all the stuff that goes into it? We talk (jokingly) all the time about if we had been teenagers we would've been pregnant our first time for sure. We quit tobacco, we try to exercise as often as possible, we try to eat better, we don't use lubes, I make sure to sit with my legs against the wall after we baby dance, we try to baby dance every day during our fertile window (he works nights so it can be difficult), we've been using clear blue ovulation tests (Got my first positive May 27th).... you get the point. Anyways, is anyone as baffled as we are about what it takes to actually make a tiny human? It is honest to God a miracle that anyone brings a life into the world. I know it hasn't been that long for us and they say it can take up to a year, but we are so anxious and impatient. Lol 
All this being said, does anyone have any special advice? 
Also, thank you to anyone who read this obnoxiously long post. You da bomb. 😅😙