🏥 So I went to L&D yesterday at 28+4 for Spotting...🏥

I want to share my experience. I am FTM in my 28th week of pregnancy and up until yesterday I have never bled or spotted at all. I went to the bathroom at 8:30 pm and saw a dime sized amount of blood on my liner. I wiped and there were pink specks of blood for at least 3 wipes until there was no more blood. I tried not to panic but I was alarmed. I googled it and a lot of people were saying to call Ob. I went to the bathroom 2 more times to check if I was bleeding and absolutely nothing. I figured I'd let it go and watch carefully if it happens again... yea right 20 minutes later I couldn't think of anything else so I called my OB office and used the emergency feature for the first time. A guy answered and I told him that I was 28 weeks and spotted a little, he said he'll forward the message to the doctor and that I'll get a return call. 20 minutes later I get a phone call from the doctor at labor & delivery from the hospital! I told him I only had a tiny amount of blood on my underwear, I was no longer bleeding, and not cramping. I was hoping he'd say to keep an eye on it and come in if its dark but no, he said he wanted me to come in to L&D and have me checked out. 😩 I tried not to panic as I got ready and went to the hospital with my husband. I made my way to L&D. They hooked me up to the monitor and observed the baby's heart beat and my BP. All perfect. The nurse asked me a billion questions, then the doctor came in and asked me the same billion questions 😂. The doctor did a quick abdominal US (I wanted a peek so bad but she did it so quick 😒) . Then I had to get on the stirrups for a internal exam. She put the speculum in me and I screamed for my life it was so painful! It never hurt before when I got Pap smears done. I guess I'm very sensitive down there now. It felt like an eternity. Then she checked my cervix with her finger (definitely not as painful but I felt discomfort). She said my cervix was nice and high and closed. Then she did a transvaginal US for like 5 seconds. Everything was perfect. They collected all the samples and left the room. They came back 10 minutes later and said that everything looked perfect and there was no source of bleeding found. They said sometimes we can bleed for unknown reasons that doesn't mean anything bad for the baby 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was discharged and sent home. I was there for less than an hour and a half. Not much waiting around and they got me out as fast as possible. Better safe than sorry. Now this morning he was moving around in there like crazy like "I'm ok mommy!"