
My husband and are TTC baby #1. And as ridiculous as it is I'm stressing. We've been trying for about 4 months now. 
I'm a planner. I literally have to have some sort of schedule or plan without having some anxiety. I felt like I was doing everything right (ovulation tests and tracking everything) but after being on Glow... I'm not so sure. 
I'm due for AF tomorrow. I've been tired all this week (something I'm positive has to do with the time change), breast have been sore (something that has been an issue since I took out my BC implant), just started feeling some sharp pains in my lower abdomen (cramping)... I've read a lot that these symptoms are interchangeable with pregnancy and your period. I'm really anxious! Can someone relate or am I the only crazy/control freak who feels completely lost?? Any tips for better <a href="">tracking ovulation</a> (which I don't think I've been very successful at) are welcome!!
Baby dust to all!!! 