Should I be worried

I've had problem for a while now but now I can't stand it any more and need to figure out what it is. Basically what happens is, under my arm I sometimes tend to develop this round swollen are ranging from the size of a quarter to a silver dollar or even a little bigger. When I was younger I always thought it was because I was shaving or always associated it with stress or even like an allergic reaction to deodorant( because I have eczema which leads me to have very sensitive skin) . Its very painful to touch and to even put deodorant on because the entire spot and the area around it tends to be sore( and it's something that you can't forget is there because you can feel it and the pain with it with your arm up or down) . I develop it under one arm and then the other or sometimes on very rare occasions under both. I'm just wondering if anybody has an idea what this is because it tends to come and go

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