Twins food before bottle


How long were you able to keep your twins on the same schedule. Mine are. I am afried if i start to givr them food before bottle it will get messed up. If one eats a lot of food vs the other than I may not be able to give them the bottle at the same time( within 30 mins or each other eating their bottle)

I want to start to give food before bottle, even before their first bottle of the day but I'm know i will have two crying babies then. I dont know how to make the transition? They dont eat enough food. Still working on getting them to eat table food. They get bottles 4 times a day starting at 630. They eat every 4 hours. They get food 8am, 12pm and 5. Last bottle is at 645 and then cereal  and in crib at 730. They take a nap at 930am and at 230. He naps for 45 mins and she naps for 1.5hrs. I would like to be able to keep them at four bottles.