Single and pregnant

So I'm currently 37.2 weeks pregnant, I have been with my husband for the last 11 years. We went through <a href="">fertility treatment</a> for the last 3 years. It was determined that he was the problem. We decided to choose a known donor. For me it was  huge decision but I love my husband and as wanted a family. I asked him millions of times before we went through our treatment if he was ready. And he reassured me that he was. So we went ahead with it. Our first <a href="">ivf</a> round was successful, when we found out I was so excited! Finally when I told my husband he was happy but not as much as I was. But I didn't make much of it. When I was 3 months I noticed that my husband changed. He came home late one day and I asked him what was up? He said that he wasn't sure what he felt. My heart broke into a million pieces, my world was falling apart. Turns out that he was having an affair with a coworker. I asked him to please ended to think about our baby our family. To not leave me alone when I need him most just like I didn't. He said he was going to end it. But something tells me that he hasn't. He is not the same. I tell
Him that if he doesn't want to be with me anymore to tell me. That if this is not what he wants to let me go. All he says is we will
Worry about us after the baby is born. Wtf does that mean? What difference does it make now or then? So I'm leaving Day by day and for me it's going to be harder watch him walk out of my baby and i. Idk what to do please help!!!