I need some encouragement ladies!


My story is driving me, An ultrasound tech, and my fertility doctor insane!

The last day of my cycle was May 24th. On May 29th, I had brown discharge. May 30th i had pink spotting. Then May 31st it turned into red bleeding. SOME THING told me to test because of the slight cramping/discomfort. I GOT IMMEDIATE POSITIVES ON 2 TESTS.

I was confused because i got a BFN 3 days before my period. I was actually pregnant...but how? After bleeding all week, i vistited by specialist and according to my cycle, i would only be around 2 weeks. They did not see anything via ultrasound, as expected I guess, but did ask if i had any ovarian stimulation (fertility drugs) because i have huge follicles in both ovaries. I have been off all meds and conceived naturally.

Everyone is speechless and I had blood work done today. They want me back for the same blood work and another ultrasound on Monday (today is Friday)to check my HCG. I'm so scared. Please tell me someone has heard of this. I need my nugget to stick... I'm already in love!