sleeping problems

so my 10 month old baby girl used to sleep through the night in her own crib in her own room from 3-5 months. all of sudden she starts screaming everytime I lay her down in her crib even when she is fast asleep, almost asleep and wide awake. so we built her a co-sleeper and she's back in our room. things were getting better. we actually got some sleep until about a week ago. she'll take her naps during the day woth no problem. she is a great napper. she'll go to sleep between 7 and 8 then sleeps for a while and from 11pm the crying starts. I tried everything I can possibly think of including offering breast, lying next to her, holding her, checked nappy and if she's too hot or cold. there is nothing physically wrong. She will hold on too me then she sleeps again for a few minutes then all hell breaks loose again. I don't move. I lie right next to her just like i was when she fell asleep. I need advise on whats wrong and how to help her. I love spending every single moment with her but I hate feeling like I can't help her. 
I just want to add that there were no changes before this started.