alright ladies lets talks

Makhaila • -M.
So summer is now upon us and naturally so is the idea of 'beach body'. Well I got curious and started doing a little looking into what should be my ideal body weight and how we also measure people's, especially women's, bodies. I found 10 different charts. Ten of them!!! And they all told me different things about me. So I'm almost 20 years old, weight 170 lbs and am 5'4". My BMI or body mass Index is in between 29 and 30 ish give or take a decimal. According to all of these charts, I am either overweight, at risk of being overweight or obese. I should weight in between 103 lb to 154 lb in order to be considered heathy. 
God lord that range is insane! There were some websites that told me at 20 my heathy BMI is 24-26 however on every other chart I saw, that would put me at being 'normal' to overweight. How is my heathly BMI for my age and gender then consider unhealthy. 
The whole point to this rant is I want to ask people are you comfortable in your own skin? Ladies this is confusing as hell to try and figure out what is the heathy ideal weight is for you because one minute you are healthy and the next you are unhealthy. And it is also madding to think you are fine but everywhere you look you are being told you are unhealthy. This goes to those girls who are just naturally thin as well as these who have curves for days. We are all beautiful because we are who we are. It is our differences that make us beautiful and embrace that! But please don't look at these 'proper numbers' to base yourself of offf because apparently even science can't make up its mind. Love yourself!