Nanny's perfume gives me migraines-- help!


So my nanny started yesterday and she was really great with my 8 week old. The only problem is her perfume REEKS, so much so I had a migraine. And now my baby's hair smells like it, even after a bath!!

Can I ask my nanny to not wear the perfume? And how do I get the smell out of my kids hair? I swear I'm going to be so pissed if this smell doesn't go away and she's taken my newborn smell away for good

**UPDATE** I've washed my kid's hair 3 times this morning, poured breast milk on it, nothing works!!! The smell is still as strong as it was yesterday 😥😥

**UPDATE #2** my MIL said to put a little bit of coconut oil in her hair and rinse with peppermint tea. It definitely worked. While she now smells more like peppermint, I'll take it over that horrendous perfume!!

**UPDATE#3** She showed up today and still has the same fragrance. I got my husband to fake watery eyes and sneezing. 😂😭He reminded her no perfume at all.