Finally!!😍😍😍 sorry a little TMI!!

So my entire pregnancy and before that have just not been comfortable with my self at all I was getting to the point to where I was always asking my husband if he even found me attractive now that I was pregnant and I just had this awkward shaped belly kind of a cross between B shaped and an apron belly I struggled a lot with losing weight before I got pregnant and I just was down I didn't feel pregnant or look pregnant and for some I know you probably don't understand why that even matters and it really shouldn't honestly because I have a beautiful baby boy on the way who is healthy as can be but still i always feel down about myself and I hate it but these hormones have really cased havack on me lol until this morning for the first time I myself actually think I look pregnant my belly has really rounded out a lot more than what it was just a few days ago even and it was a huge self esteem booster to see this this morning and not just feel fat and flabby and to actually feel beautiful! Sorry for the little bit of TMI I just got out of bed and haven't got dressed for the day yet! Granted yes I am only 26 weeks as of tomorrow and still have lots of growing left to do but just didn't think I would ever round out and how to share my excitement!!