period, provera, Clomid

Hello ladies! So last month I was out on provera. I have pcos. Got my period 5/6. Took Clomid CD5-9. Got a positive opk test on 5/19. Same day had an ultrasound done of my uterus. OB told me I had already ovulated. So I was thrown off by the positive test (she says they aren't the best to use w/ pcos 😕) today was CD30. I had a hcg blood test done to see if I'm pregnant (don't think I would be since apparently I missed my real ovulation day) but it's 10:23pm and I went to the bathroom and realized I got my period! A little sad because it confirms I'm not pregnant but excited because it came on its own! Thought I was going to have to do provera again. Gonna call my doctor tomorrow to let her know. Is this normal tho? This means I had a 30 day cycle right? Ugh so confused and always feel so all over the place. Pcos really sucks but I'm looking at the positive in all this! Anyone else have anything similar happen before?