TDap Vaccine

Who is getting the vaccine? I have an appointment Wednesday and I think they're going to offer it to me then. Honestly I don't know if I want to get it now or wait until after I have her. It doesn't make sense to me that my baby's little body couldn't handle the vaccine until 2 months, so how is it safe for me to get it while she's in my uterus? *** NEXT PART MAY CAUSE WORRY*** Plus on the insert I found online is says it isn't proven to work and isn't proven safe on pregnant women, so naturally I search stories and there are quite a few stories of women who had stillborns days after getting it. Of course there are tons of women who got it and nothing happened. I don't know if I'm willing to take the chance though. I'm honestly so scared to get it while pregnant. What did you ladies do? 

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