So fed up / RANT!

Nessie • 💐
Since I became pregnant about a month ago everyone especially my sister has been asking & pushing me & my fiancé to get married. They ask us "are you planning to get married" knowing we have been engaged for 2 years (way before we started ttc). Since when did my personal relationship status become everybody's business?? Just because we're having a baby doesn't mean we're gonna jump & get married. We might decide to get married before & we might not. It's up to us, not everyone else. What we decide to do will be our decision, that doesn't mean what others will necessarily approve of. We're not gonna get married just cause we're having a baby. When we get married (whenever that time comes) it will be because we truly want to & know the time is perfect. We're not just gonna go to the courthouse & get our marriage license & call it a day like some people have suggested we do, which is not what we want at all. No, we don't want no big fancy wedding either, but we're not just gonna do it the old fashioned way either (the way my parents got married by the courthouse). Not that their is anything wrong with it, that's just not what we want to do. I'm so tired of people telling us what we need to do with our own lives. We don't tell others how to live, we don't appreciate them telling us. 
(If this ain't in the right group admin can move it.)