5 weeks today...and started bleeding!

Bianca • MCs 7/21/14 & 3/15/15. BFP 7/23/15. Our healthy baby girl arrived 4/1/16!! ❤️ 👶 #2 due 1/26/20 it’s a boy!
Ugh. I think a MC might be starting. I had one in July 2014, and was sure the next pregnancy was going to be more successful. But when I got up this morning I saw red blood. I have an appointment Monday to check my Progesterone, since it was low last time. But now I'm preparing myself for the bad news. 😢 we've been so excited! And more relaxed than last time, but I'm just sick to my stomach thinking that I might be having my 2nd miscarriage in a row. Feeling hopeless and helpless. 😞