Clomid helping with orgasm

Hello everyone!
My husband and I have been TTC for over 1,5 year and 3 months ago I started on Clomid. 100mg/day, days 2-6. 
I was really hopeful on the first cycle but it didn't work. HOWEVER, on my second day on Clomid I had an orgasm. This is rare for me so it really surprised me. I have pleasure but orgasms don't happen often for me. I didn't know what caused it and I thought it could be the Clomid or other thins I had been trying.
Next cycle, second day of Clomid, it happened again. As if my body was suddenly responding appropriately. 
We are very sad not being able to conceive but I must admit this is an enjoyable side effect. Has anyone experienced this with Clomid?