I hope this helps of you are trying to conceive

For anybody who is trying to conceive I hope this can help!!!! For a 1 1/2 my husband and I tried to have a baby. I got depressed because I always saw negative. I was so irregular that in December I stopped getting my period for about two months. I went to the doctor that I wasn't regnant but no period. He gave me medication treatment that lasted 7 days. After the treatment wears over I got my period. He told me it was going to clean my uterus. I didn't believe. This sat month again I stopped getting my period but mild cramps. We went to Cancun and practiced water sports. Funny thing I was praying for an extra day without my period so I could enjoy Cancun. When we came back I tested to show my doctor that again indeed I was having irregular periods again just to find out I'm preggo!!!!!! Speak to your doctor if you are irregular and don't get periods!!!!!