11 month old driving me BONKERS!😳

Kayley • 24 years old, I have a little boy who’s 4 and I’m TTC my second baby!! 👶🏻
My 11 month old screams all day long, if I tell him no, he tantrums like really badly. He behaves brilliantly if I'm out and about or he's being looked after by someone else. But I can't go out everyday, it's miserable weather here. Ive been giving him calpol and teething gel as he is teething. But it's making no difference. Every time I put him down to nap cause he's tired he has a full blown meltdown and screams for about half and hour. I go in several times to comfort him but it makes no difference. I'm so fed up and stressed, I need tips ladies, what on earth is wrong with my baba? 😐