I think im pregnant but im too early to test

I've had three children and iv never felt like this after a midcycle it's frustrating I don't talk to my man cus obviously I'm not 100% sure but all the signs are there. My ex is a dick basically doesn't bother about his kids that I have with him it's unfair to them. Since he found out I'm moving on hes got someone else doesn't bother to arrange seeing kids actually tell a lie he does but blanks me for days to see them and I find out from my 12 year old who goes to the school by him he's not working but driving about a long haired girl. Pisses me off how he gets off with it. So I ended up having a small glass of vodka to calm down and I'm regretting it already. I am cramping, backpain, sickness, sore tingly breasts and my stomachs twinging and stretching pains. Ovulation was on the 28th- 31st although I know it's roughly that time we still had sex the right time. my new man obviously not my ex lol. Anyone else had early symptoms?