Opinion, advice.. anything will do.


I am currently on my 33rd CD. Usually my period comes on 23. So basically i am more than a week due to my next period. I run up 2 pregnancy test already but it's both negative (it's just a cheap PT that i bought from wallmart). I am having light cramps and most of the time lower back pain. Still, no period.

Today, a white vaginal discharge came rushing and it felt like a period. But it's white and clear. My last period only lasted 4days which is usually 7. 1st day was light then heavy on 2nd and 3rd then turn light again on 4th day. I pee a lot too but I don't see it unusual cause that sometimes happen to me.

I am just confused and I really don't have any idea what's going on. Anybody experiencing the same thing? Please enlighten me. Advice and opinion will going to be a big help.