Colic at 6 months?

My generally happy baby has been screaming bloody murder since 10:30 Wednesday night. All day. All night. No sleep. No play. Normal pooping and eating. I took him to the doctors, they said colic! He's 6 months and he's never been grumpy. He's gassy often but not like this, no bicycling, has drops, gripe water is helping. 
We took him to the er this morning because it was so bad, they also said colic, and gave me a pamphlet about colic lasting until 3-4 months 😩
So what gives? Whyyyyyy 😭😭😭
Wanted to update this in case anyone else is looking: we went to the doctors, the chiropractor and the ER twice. No ear infection, no strep, no UTI, nothing. 
I finally figured out he has hand, foot an mouth disease. He doesn't have any rash on the palms or foot soles, but he has a leg rash and mouth sores. Took him back to the doc and he said it was odd, but probably what it was. So we're on day 5, he's a little bit better, but still screaming in pain a lot, still barely sleeping, but it should only last 7-10 days, and his fever is gone 😩