advice for dogs and kids

We had our niece for about 5 hours today. We tend to take her a lot. We played outside with our German shepherd and our niece that is almost 2. We also went for a long walk with our niece and dog. So the dog was included in everything. We got home and my niece was being crazy. Like excited, flailing her arms and just be very engerized. Well I guess my dog thought she was trying to play so he put her mouth on her arm. Did not bite at all, just that play type. I 100% know that no matter how much your trust an animal you just never know. We are currently ttc, what if our dog is jealous or just gets the wrong impression of the baby. Like does this mean we are going to have to get rid of her when a baby come?!😢😢 of course a baby takes priority. Our dog is almost 7 and we have her since she was 2 months old