I'm a hoe

I'm talking to 4 guys right now two of them have brought up having sexual relationships and the other 2 haven't but I know you guys are all going to say don't be embarrassed of your body but I am, I have no control over it. I would be to scared of them seeing my body to have me get undressed in front of them. One of the ones that brought up sex is my sisters ex and they dated for like a month 2 years ago. And the other one is my best friends brother and I'm seriously considering having sexual relations with one of them not both it wouldn't be a serious relationship it would be like fuck  uddies without the dick in vagina part. I have known both for a while now. My sisters ex is the one I like more than just sexually and my best friends brother is in close second. If you actually took the time to read this thank you my question is tho is how do I know which one to go for I like them both a lot