Should I get a breast pump?

I'm planning on exclusively breastfeeding. My sis did this with both of her kids and got a breast pump that she used once. She only needed it for one time that she was sick and couldn't feed the baby milk that day, so she pumped extra before hand to cover that day. Should i get one anyway, even if I don't plan on using it? I'll be a sahm. I also don't drink or take any medicine, so I can't see a reason right now that i would need to have milk saved, or need to pump and dump. I'm not sure if I should get one just as a back up. Or if I need a back up, is formula a better choice? I don't really want to get tons of stuff I don't need to save space and money. I'm a new mom and don't know much about this stuff, but I'm trying to learn. 

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