Husband Travelling in the 3rd Trimester?

So my husband has a bachelor's party he is hosting and will be 8 hours away in a different state in the middle of July. By this time I will be almost 9 months pregnant due Aug 21st. I've remained fairly active during pregnancy in the sense that I try to keep up with housework, visit family an hour away, do our grocery shopping and even building furniture (yay IKEA). I'm a little nervous with him being so far away, I don't think I am considered high risk (although I've had two miscarriages over 4 years ago) so maybe I should be worried? I get so anxious thinking about being alone, and the possibility of going into preterm labor. Would it be a good idea to have a friend stay? Has anyone else been in a similar spot and everything turn out alright? I'm just trying to ease my mind.