I'm losing myself as a woman and I feel so dry. please read it's long though!

Please don't judge it's a lot so read and give me your honest opinion.

I've been in a relationship with my boyfriend for about 6 years now. I'm pretty sure this is the guy I want to marry and we are expecting our first child in September. I'm super happy and he treats me well etc. let's talk about the real deal now... I'm 25 and I love clothes and I always loved fashion but I feel like over the years I put on a little weight (don't judge lol) and I've moved out on my own and I now have bills and stuff to pay that I completely neglected myself as a woman ... don't get me wrong i still dress "decent" but I feel like I lost my umph! lol if you get what I mean? I don't feel as fashionable or sexy as I did when I first started dating my boyfriend and I don't want it to get worse after the baby comes.. instead of doing my nails or toes as often as I used to I'll just brush it off, instead of taking that extra 100$ to spend on myself it'll go to something stupid for the house.. I feel like I'm getting comfortable . I feel like when it comes to finances and my relationship I'm so wrapped up in everything else but myself! I make sure the household is good and that there's dinner and that we have products for the bathroom and that this is paid on time etc (you get the point) we have decent jobs and he contributes to bills ( we split everything halfway Or Sometimes he'll just cover them on his own it depends on the month or situation etc) but I feel like I'm so worried about everything concerning US as a couple and not ME as a woman. anyways yesterday he said to me "you depend on me a lot emotionally" and we were just having a real heart to heart( I'm pregnant so I don't really know who else to depend on but okay lol) I'm not very close to my family and I don't have much friends so we are very close and it just made me think! It actually kinda made me sad, I've always been independent and everything and I feel like when I got into a relationship I kinda lost that cause I wanted my man to feel like a man (if you get what I mean) I usually go to him about decisions (I think that's what any couple does or maybe I'm mistaken) I ask for his input on a lot of things but I do feel it can be a bit much for him sometimes. anyways the question is I want to get back to how I was when I was single ( not saying I want to talk to another guy or anything like that ) what I mean is I want to not really include him in everything that I have going on I want to be independent but still make him feel like a man and still be fashionable and beautiful and everything else... I love him but I love me more and I feel like I will eventually lose him and myself if I haven't already done so if I don't go back to how I was before I even got into this relationship, our sex is good and everything is good but it's just that I feel dry lol there are so many beautiful women out here and I just want to make sure that I'm always on point..  im starting to feel just a tad bit insecure..I'm not sure if I explained this the right way but do any ladies have any advice or have any of you been through this before ? I know I'm young and have a lot to learn but experience is my best teacher since I don't really have anyone I can speak to about this. 

Any opinions, suggestions, advice is more than welcome and appreciated 

Thank you for reading !