Guys, I'm getting a puppy!

So literally 2 days before we found out we were pregnant (we were trying btw) we put a deposit down on a puppy. We have wanted a dog and I work from home as a medical coder. So we decided before a baby gets here we will get a puppy and train her. Two days later I found out I am pregnant. We still want the puppy, so that's all good but look at these photos, we just picked her out and she is a secret to our families, as well as the baby. His family, like my MIL are very judgemental and will yell at us about getting pregnant, don't ask why, we are married and this is planned, but once we tell them a puppy and a baby they are going to freak! But here is the puppy we are getting on June 23rd, she's 6 weeks old and her name is gwendolyn !! we aren't due for our baby until January 18th so we have plenty of time to train our new pet. we will be announcing our puppy when we get her 😊😊😊