Why is it the close ones that don't understand!?

So, Myself and Fiancé have been trying to conceive for 5 Years now.
During the 5 Years we have had to battle through a lot, especially the fact that two of our Family Members were expecting babies.
A few days ago, we were told by one of the Family Members that they were pregnant again. Myself and Fiancé obviously said congratulations but shortly after, we left the house (as we were at my Fiancé's Mum's House). 
A few days later, we find out that we have been slagged off because of the way we reacted. 
Why don't ANY of our Close Family understand how we feel?!
They don't understand what we have to deal with in our everyday life (not being able to conceive, walking along the road and seeing lots of random babies, random thoughts of how much you want a baby, etc), nor understand that it literally kills us inside to find out their pregnant (but also happy for them!), putting on a brave face every single day, wishing and praying every single day. The list is never ending.