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Hi everyone just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Janna, 29, and I'm 17 weeks pregnant today with my 3rd Girl! 
Anyone else have all the same sex children? I found out Friday that "Pip" is a girl and kind of sad because this is our last baby and I've always wanted my own little man :( 
I know I'll love her as much as her sisters but upset I'll never experience a son! X
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I'm 29 with baby 3 due in November! I have two boys and I'm praying for a girl this time. I find out the gender in a couple days.


Janna • Jun 12, 2017
Awww wow congratulations :) fingers grossed you get your little lady 🤞🏼


Posted at
I'm only having my first in November but just wanted to say I understand I think it's most ladies dream to have at least 1 of each to experience, but hey, maybe you'll end up with a few grandsons to make up for it! Good luck with your 3rd! 😁


Posted at
Hi :)! I'm currently 17 weeks pregnant with my third baby, i already have two girls and I'm 99% sure im having another girl although I really hope I get my little prince 👑  this is our final child so my last chance for a boy, I'll hopefully find out the gender on 7th July💖


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My family (my siblings) is all girls and honestly I think my parents would have had no clue about raising a boy lol